General Conditions

General Conditions Stellicher advocaten N.V.

(Chamber of Commerce Centraal Gelderland, No. 65886119) has the objective of carrying out the practise of lawyer and local attorney. In these General Conditions ‘Stellicher’ means Stellicher advocaten N.V.

These General Conditions apply to any commission, including any supplementary commission and continuation commission, given to Stellicher. All persons who have been involved in the implementation of a commission may  invoke these General Conditions.

A commission is exclusively accepted and carried out by Stellicher, also if it is the express or tacit intent that a commission will be carried out by a specific person. Contrary to the provisions set forth in the Articles 7:404, 7:407 paragraph 2 and 7:409 of the Netherlands Civil Code, partners or employees of Stellicher shall not be personally bound or liable, and the commission does not end by their death, even if the commission has been granted with a view to it being carried out by a specific person.

Any liability of Stellicher shall in aggregate be limited to the amount that is paid out in the relevant case under its liability insurance(s), increased with the amount of its own risk that according to the policy conditions is for the charge of Stellicher.

If for any reason whatsoever no benefit is granted pursuant to the aforementioned insurance, any liability shall be limited to an amount of €25,000 or, if the fee that has been paid for the implementation of the commission exceeds € 25,000, to the amount of the fee paid for the commission up to maximum of € 100,000.

When calling in the assistance of third parties, Stellicher shall as much as is necessary consult with the Principal. Stellicher shall not be liable for any failures in the performance of these third parties. Stellicher shall be authorised to accept general conditions stipulated by third parties called in to assist in the implementation of the commission, also for and on behalf of the Principal.

The legal relationship between Stellicher and the Principal shall exclusively be governed and construed by the laws of the Netherlands. Disputes shall exclusively be submitted to the competent court in Arnhem (rechtbank Gelderland, locatie Arnhem).

Complaints and Disputes Procedure

The Complaints and Disputes Procedure of the Netherlands Bar Association (Klachten- en Geschillenregeling Advocatuur) is applicable to our services. In case of dissatisfaction about the quality of our services we want to refer you to our complaint and dispute resolution. This dispute resolution procedure is available upon request. Please contact Mr. S.J. van Susante, (LL.M.) via These General Conditions are available in Dutch, English. If any disputes  arise concerning the content or scope of these General Conditions, the Dutch text will prevail.